Servite Football | Uniforms

Gen One
There were quite a few iterations in the Gen One group but the changes didn't really warrant splitting them up into three or four separate groups. For the most part, white pants with gold strips (black outlines), black/white shirts with strips and black helmet with strips. For a more detailed view of the different gen one helmets, click here.

Gen Two
This was the first year of the gold (Notre Dame) game pants. All strips were removed from the helmet, game jerseys and game pants. But the largest change was to the helmet, adding the now famous Servite Crest to the side.

Gen Three
In 1978 the Servite uniforms took another major change, and probably the last major change in School history. This was the introduction of black pants. Both game pants and game jerseys included a single large white stripe (black on away jerseys).

Gen Four
In 1981 the stripes were switched from a single, large stripe to two smaller stripes. The Helmet stayed the same.
Note: During the 1984 season, Servite wore a gold jersey during the Mater Dei game.
During the 1985 season, Servite wore a gold strip on the helmet to bring awareness for the captivity of Father Lawrence Martin Jenco. Please click for more information.

Gen Five
Although the dates are not exact, it appears, starting in 1998, the gold pants made a revisit for a couple of years. Also, the stripes on the pants and jerseys disappeared. The helmet stayed the same.

Gen Six
Starting in 2000, the latest iteration started, black pants, black jerseys and no stripes anywhere. For the most part this has not changed, other than a couple of years when a white stripe appeared the helmet. And occasionally, gold pants (OG), gold shoes and socks have appeared for specific games in recent years.