Taken from a post on the "Orange County Forums"
St. Paul - The team that struck TERROR into MD and Servite
Postby sgthartman » Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:21 pm
Here was a typical (first term) anchich-era offensive series:
first down - fullback dive right
2nd down -fullback dive left
3rd down - fullback dive left for 1st down
first down - fullback dive right
2nd down -fullback dive left
3rd down - fullback dive left for 1st down
first down - fullback dive right
2nd down -fullback dive left
3rd down - fullback dive left for 1st down, ball to midfield
first down - fullback dive right
2nd down -fullback dive left
3rd down - fullback dive left for 1st down, ball on opponents 35 yard line
1st down - double reverse for a loss of 12.
2nd down - fullback dive left
3rd down 9 yards to go - delay of game penalty
3rd down 19 yards to go - sweep right for first down
first down - fullback dive right
2nd down -fullback dive left
3rd down - fullback dive left for 1st down
first down - fullback dive left into end zone.
Ancich was no X and O genius. he just had a way of motivating (usually) undersized, tough as nails young men, getting them to lift and work their asses off for him. there were a few that went on to play D1 and some to pro ball, but most never got much beyond Friday nights. I’ve grown up with many former swordsmen and I’ve yet to hear any of them utter a negative word about the man. hell they would suit up and play for him right now - on a moment's notice, 35+ years later.

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